祖父母が住んでいた熊本。大人になってゆっくりと住むように3ヶ月過ごしました。町屋をリノベーションした珈琲屋さんやお寺の跡地をリノベーションしたアトリエでのお料理教室。 熊本の建物やデザインには、古き良きものを現代と上手く融合させています。暮らしの中に自然と伝統工芸がたくさんあり、触れることができるのも魅力です。
Kumamoto is where my grandparents are from. I got to experience three months living here. The city is famous for its renovating and modernizing of historical establishments. For instance, there's a cooking class at an old temple and a coffee shop inside a renovated townhouse. Kumamoto's buildings and designs are a good blend of rustic history with modern trends. There are many traditional crafts that the locals use daily.
Nearby is the beautifully lush Kurokawa Onsen, reachable by crossing the Aso caldera. Great place to relax, surrounded by nature.